It All Starts with a Title and a Logo…

Original Trekkin’ Awesome Title Header – designed by Collin J Wood
Trekkin’ Awesome Logo – created by Collin J Wood

Greetings, fellow Trekkies!

Kicking this new blog off with somethin simple: the Title and Logo I created both for this blog and my Etsy shop.

So, in case you were wondering, I love Star Trek. Always have, and always will, in all its various iterations. I grew up watching the re-runs of TOS and the Animated Series. I have had the pleasure of seeing each Motion Picture on the big screen. I’ve watched most of TNG, some of DS9 and VOY, ALL of Enterprise…and now Disco, Lower Decks, Picard, Prodigy…and cannot wait for Strange New Worlds! It’s such a glorious time to be a Trekkie!

I have a lot I am hoping to share here, artwork, starship designs, products…some my own, many others found ‘out there’. Credit will be given when its known, left ‘unknown’ until I can find the artist or designer.

Thanks for reading. I hope you’ll like and follow for more…

Until next time, hope you have a Trekkin’ Awesome Day!